Pollux Lopez


Pollux Lopez - 2024 NLC San Francisco Fellow

Pollux (he/him) is a sexual health and harm reduction counselor and ceramic sculptor. At USCF Alliance Health Project, he works to support those seeking healthcare and those who should know they have the right to it. He is an immigrant from Venezuela whose outlook on life is directly informed by his experience as a political and economic migrant. He studied marketing and communication at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Since moving to San Francisco in 2020, he has become both a mentor for foster youth and a Friendly Visitor to LGBTQ+ elders. For two years, he has contributed artwork to UCSF’s ARTforAIDS. In 2023, as Media Ambassador for AIDS Lifecycle, he gave statements to press, representing the Latinx community and those living with HIV. In 2023, he won a grant from ARTSpan to participate in SF Open Studios, showcasing in Room & Board. Pollux likes dancing and supporting local communities.