Matt Pulaski


Matt Pulaski - 2024 NLC Los Angeles Fellow

Matt Pulaski is a cardiologist-in-training at LA General Medical Center. He is originally from New Jersey and completed his undergraduate training at Johns Hopkins University before heading to Newark, NJ for medical school at Rutgers University. There, he served as the president of the LGBTQ group and invited local LGBTQ leaders to come speak with students to improve community engagement. He moved to East Harlem for his internal medicine residency training at Mount Sinai Hospital during the height of COVID. He has loved living in Los Angeles this past year, and he is passionate about advocating for the needs of his patients at a resource-limited county hospital alongside equally passionate staff. Outside of work, he loves backpacking and has spent several months traveling through South America to practice his Spanish. His current hobbies include Crossfit, improv, and daydreaming of one day being on the show Survivor.