Ghofran Miari


Ghofran Miari - 2024 NLC Columbus Fellow

Ghofran Miari is an advocate, attorney, and believer that where one is born should not determine their life outcomes. As the daughter of Palestinian refugees and a visibly muslim woman coming of age in a post-9/11 America, she spent most of her early life reconciling the discrepancy between American values and American policy in practice. In her commitment to the pursuit of justice and accountability, Ghofran earned a Juris Doctorate and Master's in Public Policy from The Ohio State University. Ghofran now serves at the Franklin County Public Defender where she holds the state to their burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and ensures equal access to justice for all, regardless of economic status. When Ghofran is not in the courthouse you can find her elbow deep in the garden, taking the scenic route, or giving her pet sheep their well deserved ear scratches.