Eli Clardy


Eli Clardy - 2024 NLC Arkansas Fellow

Eli Clardy is a local community organizer and gay/civil rights activist. First running for city council at the age of 18, Eli has worked in local, state and national politics for the past ten years, including four presidential campaigns, being on the ground in the Iowa Caucuses for two of them. A political science major at Arkansas Tech University, he now continues his work here in his home state of Arkansas as a community organizer & civil rights activist. Over the summer, he served as the Crawford County CAPES Director fighting to put the LEARNS Act to a citizen’s veto and now, as his county government leads efforts to ban LGBTQ+ books from local libraries in his home of Crawford County, Arkansas, Eli has announced he will stand as a Justice of the Peace candidate in the 2024 Election to stop their radical agenda.