Davon Thomas


Davon Thomas - 2024 NLC Sacramento Fellow

Davon Thomas is a first-generation college graduate dedicated to uplifting and empowering low-income youth who face barriers to higher education, workforce development, and health care. He is the Legislative Assistant for the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California (CBHDA).

Before joining CBHDA, Davon received his Bachelor of Arts in American History from UC Santa Cruz and spent a year in the Capital Fellows Program in the office of State Senator Dr. Richard Pan. He also recently graduated from the University of Washington's Evans School of Public Policy & Governance with his Masters in Public Administration (MPA).

He also serves as a Commissioner on the Sacramento Children’s Fund Oversight & Planning Commission, where he will be directing city revenue to fund youth services in Sacramento. In his free time, he spoils his cats, spends time with his mother and grandmother, and participates in a recreational bowling league.