Carlos C Hernandez Sosa

Carlos C Hernandez Sosa - 2024 NLC New York City Fellow

Carlos is a proud immigrant and first-generation student. He has been working in the immigrant community on different issues. In 2013–2014, Carlos was one of the main Latino leaders who did fight and led fast food workers in Seattle Washington to fight for a $15 minimum wage and better work conditions. In 2020–2022, during the pandemic in Queens, NYC, Carlos funded Immigrantes Latinos Unidos HM and cofounded Lazos Latinos de Esperanza Solidaria (LLES) to help the immigrant community get access to food and other basic services. In 2022, Carlos started the Immigration Legal Clinic at La Jornada. He also created at La Jornada a literacy program for Spanish speakers who don't know how to read and write.

In 2023, Carlos was invited to give a speech to the United Nations as one of the main speakers for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.