We invest in place-based leadership to build a more equitable Twin Cities
Established in 2015, NLC Twin Cities is dedicated to diversifying leadership, building community, and cultivating joy. NLC-TC uplifts leaders across all sectors who are committed to moving the communities they serve forward, and provide the skills and network to make progress a reality. We believe that we lead together.
Since our founding, we’ve trained 125 NLC Twin Cities Fellows.
Hours of training provided to Twin Cities leaders.
Years serving place-based leaders in our community.
This experience was life changing. NLC brought me together with a group of people that will be part of my life forever. I feel stronger knowing that there are people alongside me across every sector who want to make our community better. I would not trade this experience for anything. Thank you, NLC-TC!
2023 Fellows
AbdulRahmane Abdul-Aziz
Anthonia Eboreime
Biftu Takele
Cheniqua Johnson
Devona Thomas
Emma Olson
Filsan Ibrahim
Gabriella Gillespie
Jazinae Patterson
Keeya Allen
May Yang
Mbemba Camara
Melissa Koe
Richard Crenshaw
Sagal Abdirahman
Seeley Chung Davidson
Adora Land ToleFree
Alul Yesak
Amber Jones
Anisha Murphy
Binta Kanteh
Hannah Novillo Erickson
Ia Vang
Isa Kibira
Jesse Lewis
K. Cross
Kylie Peterson
Lauren Buckley
Lori Saroya
Mahogany Ellis-Crutchfield
Maliza Kalema
Mauricio Leon Mendez
Miah Ulysse
Muqkadeen Poole
Qannani Omar
Raie Gessesse
Tabatha Cruz
Trevor Berberick
Alyssa Greene
Angelina Nguyen
Ashley Wirth-Petrik
Biftu Bussa
Brooke Roper
Christa Mims
Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro
Henry Adebisi
Janiru Herath
Jessica Reyes
Kenneth Scales
Khadra Farah
Mylene Culbreath
Naomi Alemseged
Rania Ahmed
Ruth Cardenas
Saba Andualem
Saraya Boghani
Selam Tilahun
Shundrice Tucker
Thomas Rupp
Zachary Hylton
Abdulrahman Waco
Ahava Silkey-Jones
Alex Reich
Ali Khaleel
Asja Karic
Azeib Nigatu
Edwin Cruz
Eric Armacanqui
Eric Broker
Fatin Omerabi
Guled Ibrahim
Haaris Pasha
Lillie Benowitz
Logan Tootle
Meghna Sohoni
Rachael Joseph
Shona Ramchandani
Yasmin Yassin
Adrian Benjamin
Amal Karim
Amani Berry
Amy Neguse
Ashley McCray
Biiftuu Ibrahim Adam
Brinda Desai
Bryan Boyce
Christina Melander
Doua Yang
Estefania Navarro Hernandez
Hoang Murphy
Isela Xitlali Gomez
Jokho Farah
Jonathan Oppenheimer
Juana Sandoval
Maren Hulden
Michelle Maryns
Nathan Lewicki
Nina Robertson
Ryan Francis
Samantha Sencer-Mura
Tolu Ajibewa
Brittany Rice
Cameran Bailey
Cedrick Baker
Clare Verbeten
Garrison McMurtrey
George Shardlow
Hudo Ahmed
Hussein Farah
Janelle Wahutu
Jillian Stockmo
Kjensmo Walker
Leona Thao
Lorena Pinto
Nina Robertson
Sarah Weiss
Sarah King
Stephanie Rodriguez-Moser
Vivek Nevile
Alexander Jacques
Amanda Koonjbeharry
Anna Hardeman
Anthony Hernandez
Ashley Bailey
Cassidy Gardenier
Frances Boehnlein
Geoff Buller
Haley Kimmet
James Kindle
Joshua Crosson
Kadence Hampton
Kalia Vang
Keith Mensah
Kyle Parsons
Maggie Borman
Margot Isman
Osman Ahmed
Phillipe Cunningham
Sarah Clyne
Taylor Rub
Trish Welt