Place-Based. People-Powered. Equity-Focused. Training South Texas Frontera’s emerging leaders.
NLC South Texas Frontera trains cross-sector leaders who are committed to moving the communities they serve forward. We connect inclusive leaders who have the expertise to implement change, and provide the skills and network to make that progress a reality.
Fellows trained since our chapter was founded.
Hours of training provided to leaders in South Texas Frontera, at no cost to participants.
Over $25,000 raised in support of training place-based leaders in South Texas Frontera.
NLC is about investing in people. We’re going to take your talents and your skills and elevate YOU. Build your network. Lift your voice. Help you do what you want to do to build your community. That’s important to me and important for South Texas.
When I look at our communities I see our children’s future. We have the potential to make this an environment for the next generation of progresive leaders. We have resources that go unheard and untapped. NLC has given me the insight, tools, and network I need to help build a brighter future.
NLC has given me the courage, strength, and community I needed to continue fighting for my beloved Laredo. The toolks that NLC equipped me with have given me enough resolve to keep fighting inequities and to take the scary opportunities coming my way.
2025 NLC South TX Frontera Fellows
NLC South TX Frontera Alumni
Cecilia Jimenez De La Fuente
Edgar Villasenor
Gabriel Rodriguez
Jacqueline Santillana
Rebecca Lozoya
Tannya Benavides
Ben Whitman
Jorge De La Fuente
Krystel Castillo
Michael Mireles
Nicholas Hudson
April Flores
Brittany Castro
Carolina Vela
Dominique Villarreal
Jacinda Mia Perez
Jaime Andres Diez
Josie Del Castillo
Juan Ruiz
Marcella Juarez
Nadia Casaperalta
Walter Barthel
Eliseo Ceja
Cinthia Gonzalez
Karina Madrigal
Martha Mercado
Luciana Morales
Ricardo Parra
Maxine Rebeles
Paula Saldaña
Jeremy San Miguel
Miranda Zapata
Oscar Zertuche
Grezia Barrera
Michael Bueno
Nathan Burkhart
Allan Fisher-Garcia
Alyson Martinez
Amanda Davé
Clarissa Riojas
Dimitra Trejo
Elizabeth Charles
Josue Plaza
Juan Livas
Khrystyane Lopez
Marco Garcia
Nicholas Balderas
Reyna Ortiz
Ruby Fuentes