New Leaders Council-Montana – Training Montana’s Community Leaders since 2009
New Leaders Council – Montana is a free progressive leadership training institute. One weekend per month over 6 months, our fellows develop skills that will increase their positive impact in our state. Our graduates have founded non-profits, served in public office (we currently have 5 alumni serving in the MT Legislature!), opened businesses, and continue to be strong community and business leaders.
NLC Montana alumni currently serving in the Montana Legislature.
Since 2009, we have trained over 150 place-based leaders in Montana.
“My NLC fellowship was one of the most impactful experiences of my life. I frequently rely on the skills that NLC taught me in my work on a statewide campaign, and the network of change-makers that I connected with during my time at NLC has served as an incredible support system. Not to mention that I am currently working with another NLC alumni elected to statewide office. I am incredibly grateful to be an NLC alum.”
NLC-MT seriously restored my faith in humanity. Every fellow I have met fights so hard every day to create a Montana that I was proud to call home, and the board members at the time were so dedicated and passionate that I knew I wanted to continue to help out.
“NLC immersed me in a crowd of passionate, driven, brilliant individuals who inspired me to action and growth. I made amazing new allies (and friends!) across Montana that share my values and are cooperating to make the world better. Skills I developed in NLC have become the tools I use regularly to advocate for issues, and now run for office.”
2022 Fellows
Anja Wookey-Huffman
Blake Cilwik
Fitzgerald Clark
Julie Tripp
Kate Sheridan
Katjana Stutzer
Kelly Armington
Mallory Stefan
Matthew Asaro
Nolan Harris
Olympia Gioulekas
Shibu Arens
Ty Gardner
Aja Desmond
Anna Weinberg
Katie Keehr
Maddison Wilhite
Marit Olson
Megan Harbaugh
Nate Podgajny
Rose Goldich
WJ Woods
Alex Clark
Andrew Valainis
Anna Howard
Chiachi Hwang
Dan Cohn
Danielle Vazquez
Erin Tate
Jordan Sweeney
Kayte Kaminski
Kya Sorli
Lauren Gette-King
Michael Nelson
Michael Wainwright
Michael Desrosier
Sarah Korn
Stephan Cardella
Amanda Dellwo
Caitlin Piserchia
Elizabeth Samson
Elizabeth Albers
Eric Schmidt
Jessica Wilkerson
Katie Sutton
Kelly Kortum
Laura Camilleri
Leah Berry
Makenna Sellers
Marguerite Jodry
Mariana Cahalan
Maura Jones
Megan Petersen
Nikki Robb
Rebecca Stanton
Sophie Moon
Ann Truesdell
Anna Zelaya
Beth Williams
Emma Kerr-Carpenter
Heather Leach
Jade Bahr
Jessica Lee
Katelynn Essig
Katharina Werner
Kimberly Weaver
Mariah Gladstone
Meghan Montgomery
Rachel Pauli
Anita Green
Becca Boslough
Emily Tosoni
Hannah Hostetter
Jessica Milakovich
Katherine Sullivan
Katie Neskey
Leidy Wagener
Mark Dostal
Mary Rochelle
Tom Aldrich
Amanda Opitz
Ella Smith
Erica De Forrest
Jake Brown
Jill Feldhusen
Jillian Whelan
June Noel
Maria Kendra
Micah Sewell
Miranda Fox
Pete Bolenbaugh
Peter Knox
Stephanie Ralls
Anna Wallace
Asa Hohman
Emily Likins
Jake Lapke
Laura John
Lilly Matti
Maggie Moran
Nancy de Pastino
Shanna Ungate
Topher Williams
Aaron Curtis
Amanda Harrow
Jessica Folmar
Karl Hallgrimson
Katie McKeown
Megan Hill
Micah Nielsen
Michelle Williamson
Rebecca Pettit
Robyn Hegland
Spencer Paddock
Tal Goldin
Ali Carlson Kelly
Debbie Saylor
Elizabeth Harrison
Emily Bulger
Katherine Nelson
Kelsey Stamm
Kimberly Dudik
Lexie Wallace
Meghann Paddock
Meri Althauser
Shelbi Dantic
Skander Spies
Alex Johnson
Bonnie Gail
Daniel Viehland
Denver Henderson
Dustin Hankinson
Erin Klahn
Jamie Metzenberg
Jenifer Gursky
Katie Carlson
Kelly McGuire
Luke Walawander
Molly White
Morgan Stier Slemberger
Ross Prosperi
Adam Tucker
Amber Pence
Cari Kimball
Chris Mathers
Gabe Furshong
Ginger Aldrich
Lacey Wilkins
Lauren Smith Caldwell
Lucas Childress
Lynsey Bourke
Mariam Mick
Ray Davis
Tashi Dondup
Zack Porter
Anita Vatshell
Bryce Bennett
Caitlin Copple
Derek Goldberg
Ellie Hill
Emily Bentley
Jason Wiener
Keri McWilliams
Matt Singer
Olivia Riutta
Sarah Cobler
Tracy Cosgrove
Zoe O’Neil