Cultivating transformative leadership and sparking community engagement for Central Iowa’s up and coming changemakers.
Through unique training opportunities and powerful community partnerships, New Leaders Council Des Moines enables emerging leaders to succeed. We utilize our shared expertise and expansive network to place our alumni in positions where they can build action-oriented coalitions and make a transformative impact in the community around us.
Since our founding, we’ve served over 100 local changemakers.
Over 60 Fellows continued engagement through chapter board service after completing their Fellowship.
Over a dozen alumni ran for office, while countless other serve on boards and commissions
NLC is a great experience where you can integrate yourself into a welcoming network of people who share the same values.
Most importantly for me, I was able to learn from leaders both local and national about how to become a better leader within my work life, a better leader on the nonprofit boards that I serve, and just a better human.
NLC will catapult you forward in your personal and professional goals while also creating new leaders to impact our community through a progressive lens.
2023 Fellows
Ebonee Woods
Emilee Harris
Justyn Lewis
Aedan Madrigal
Cindy Garcia
Dani Ausen
DeAn Kelly
Gabriela Fuentes
Holly Thayer
Isabelle Barrett
Ivania Guerra
Jordan Bancroft
Kelly Marble
Lauren McElmeel
Megan McAfee
Michelle Bouziden
Rinora Jelliqi
Sara Krzyczkowski
Tulia Mulemba
Victoria Lundgren
Ashley Parker
Benjamin Breuer
Chelsea Chism-Vargas
Elizabeth Medina
Emmett Phillips
Erica Barz
Erma Mujic
Heather Strachan
Joe Caldwell
Kevin Patrick
Kylie Gottschalk
Meg Card
Nadia La Fontant
Sebastian Hamirani
Tiffany Allison
Victoria Moon
Virginia Griesheimer
Adriyel Mondloch
Ashley Vanorny
Austin Baeth
Blake Loomis
Bobby Baccam
Dawson Davenport
Elizabeth Blind
Hana Kajtazovic
Janae Burgmeier
Jessica Avant
Keenan Crow
Kristen Daily
Marlu Abarca
Matt Becke
Megan Srinivas
Robert Rushing
Sarah Myren
Tammy Armstrong
Taylor McKee
Benjamin Cobley
Chelsea Lepley
Chloe Gearhart
Elsa Goldman
Erin Cubit
Holly Herbert
Jaime Yowler
Johnny Alcivar
Kalyn Cody
Kerri Sorrell
Kyrstin Delagardelle
Lindsey Mabe
Luke Stadtler
Luke Elzinga
Molly Hanson
Naomi Ramsay
Phouthasack Keopraseuth
Rachel Lunsford
Samantha Kemp Carlin
William Oppermann
Christina Blackcloud
Cicely Gordon
Claire Richmond
Comfort Dondo
Courtney Guntly
Heather Jones
Hector Salamanca Arroyo
Jordan Murphy
Josh Hellyer
Josh Skipworth
Madeline Cano
Mandy McWherter
Matt Hauge
Mazie Stilwell
Monica Biddix
Zach Steele
Amanda Thys
Caroline Jones
Caroline Dvorsky
Eric Bridges
Erica Shannon Stueve
Gracie Brandsgard
Jamie Stokka
Megan Bendixen
Michelle Grau
Natalie Koerber
Nathan Erickson
Patrick Rynard
Reed Clayton
Ruth Lapointe
Travis Lloyd
Vanessa Marcano-Kelly
Alicia Kuhle
Ann Dvorsky
Brandt Johnson
Carmen Garcia
Christopher Merkle
E.B. Updegraff
Jessie Hill
Kaitryn Patchett
Karla Bromwell
Katy Stovall
Kelli Lydon
Leslie Berckes
Maggie Carlson
Rhonda Greenway
Sarah Jacobson
Stacie Bendixen
Alex Stanton
Amy Olson
Anthony Garcia
Ash Bruxvoort
Crystal Harris
Erin Wickering
K.O. Myers
Kotheid Nicoue
Lacey Howard
Matthew Blake
Rachel Scheib
Sharon Wegner
Shayla Price
Zachary Bales-Henry
Zachary Engstrom
Annika Schilke
Benjamin Williams
Brian Guillaume
Francis Musignac
Indira Blazevic
Jaimie Miller
Jason Wells
Kelli Todd
Kendra Malone
Lorin Ditzler
Matt Denner
Michael Weeks
Molly Kotval
Nicole Rommero
Sara Crouse
Stephen Lauer
Thomas Vance
Zebulon Beilke-McCallum
Alana Stamas
Alexander Grgurich
Andrea Diaz
Anthony Rodari
Beth Conley
Burke Milnes
Jen Goings
Kate Burgener
Lynzey Tharp
Michael McRae
Miriam De Dios
Nathaniel Boulton
Nicole Moriniere
Rachel Dakarian
Ryan Crane
Shannon Sanders